Have you caught on to the Twittermania? :) I got a new phone the other day, the new HTC Hero. In a few words, its a great phone and it has this twitter widget that you have on your home screen, so you have access to see all your tweets all the time and update your friends...
So I just thought I would get some opinion on how great this twitter thing is and what benefits I can get out of it!
I know that its the hottest thing on the net right now and everyone is using it as a method of marketing, but frankly speaking I still have not figured out what is so great about and how I can put this little tool to use!
So OK its great that I can update my friends with what I'm doing, but I have all my friends on Facebook and you can do the same thing there by updating your status...
So Feel free to share and tell me what you think!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Using Twitter to Attract more Readers
Author: Alenchik Litvinenko
| Posted at: Thursday, August 27, 2009 |
Filed Under:
twitter followers
Using Twitter to Attract more Readers
Alenchik Litvinenko
twitter followers|